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Install and Configure Samba

Install and configure Samba to share files across a network.

Difficulty:1 out of 5

Install OpenStack on your workstation and launch your first instance

Install OpenStack on your workstation and launch your first instance.

Difficulty:1 out of 5

Explore OpenStack components and set up an OpenStack client

Explore OpenStack components and set up an OpenStack client.

Difficulty:1 out of 5

Learn about OpenStack services and their functions

Learn about OpenStack services and their functions.

Difficulty:1 out of 5

Navigate through the OpenStack dashboard menu

Navigate through the OpenStack dashboard menu.

Difficulty:1 out of 5

Manage instance templates, including images and flavors

Manage instance templates, including images and flavors.

Difficulty:1 out of 5

Use the concept of domains, roles, users and groups to manage identities

Use the concept of domains, roles, users and groups to manage identities.

Difficulty:1 out of 5

Enable multi-tenancy and manage global, and tenant resources

Enable multi-tenancy and manage global, and tenant resources.

Difficulty:1 out of 5

Learn how OpenStack manages various virtual network resources

Learn how OpenStack manages various virtual network resources.

Difficulty:1 out of 5

Launch and terminate cloud instances

Launch and terminate cloud instances.

Difficulty:1 out of 5

Learn how OpenStack manages different types of storage

Learn how OpenStack manages different types of storage.

Difficulty:1 out of 5

Limit access to resources by applying quotas

Limit access to resources by applying quotas.

Difficulty:1 out of 5

Tear down your OpenStack lab environment

Tear down your OpenStack lab environment.

Difficulty:1 out of 5
cloud, Azure

Summarizing Security Status of Ubuntu Machines on Azure with Runbooks

Summarizing Security Status of Ubuntu Machines on Azure with Runbooks

Difficulty:2 out of 5
cloud, server, aws

Upgrade to Ubuntu Pro at scale using tokens with SSM

How to upgrade to Ubuntu Pro using tokens automatically and at scale using AWS Systems Manager

Difficulty:2 out of 5