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Helping developers reach new heights

Canonical & Ubuntu at PX4 Developer Summit

Date: September 14-15

Where: Online

PX4 is an open source flight control software for drones and other unmanned vehicles. The project provides a flexible set of tools for drone developers to share technologies to create tailored solutions for drone applications. And like for many other open source projects, Canonical has been proud of providing its OS, Ubuntu, as a PX4 development environment.

Join us at PX4 Developer Summit on September 14-15, for a whole day of robotics and innovations in this field. Learn about the latest Robot Operating System (ROS) and robotics developments, where the community is heading, and how you can benefit from collaborating with other organizations!

Explore Canonical’s solutions for drone developers

Are you looking to deploy drones to market? Are you aware of the challenges for a successful factory process and device management? If you used Ubuntu for developing your prototype, let us help you further in getting your solution market-ready.

Visit our booth and get access to whitepapers, product collateral, videos, and demos. Experience how our container solutions have supported ROS innovation and how our embedded OS has been supporting several innovative companies to reach their final users, prioritizing quality and security for all.

We do encourage you to pre-book a live and conversation with one of our engineers, or just come visit us through the booth video-call function.

If you’re curious already, take a look at the following materials to learn more about our solutions today:

Let’s work together to address your challenges

Together with the Dronecode Foundation, we are also exploring the challenges for drone developers to help the community overcome these barriers. If you are working in this field, we would love to learn from you.

Please complete this 5 minute survey, that aims to understand the challenges our community faces when updating and maintaining software infrastructure on drones.

About PX4 Development Summit

The PX4 Developer Summit is the annual conference hosted by the Dronecode Foundation for the drone development community. The event is designed for software developers, hardware engineers, system integrators, and academia.

Get a complete overview of how the PX4 Ecosystem works and the opportunity to network with maintainers, contributors, and key stakeholders from organizations using our open technologies.

About Canonical

Canonical is the company behind Ubuntu, the leading OS for container, cloud, and hyperscale computing. Through its open-source tools such as snaps for packaging robotics projects and Ubuntu Core for enhanced security for mission-critical robots, Canonical helps face the important challenge of managing and upgrading robot software. Learn more here.