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OpenStack E-book for Beginners

OpenStack adoption made easy with our latest e-book

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OpenStack remains the world’s leading open-source cloud platform and its adoption continues to grow every year. According to the latest results from an annual OpenStack User Survey, published in November 2022, OpenStack now powers more than 40 million cores in production across over 300 surveyed deployments. Not to mention thousands of other deployments running all over the world not documented anywhere.

This phenomenon has its roots in the superior economic advantages that OpenStack brings to organisations of all sizes and across industries. Being an open-source project, OpenStack allows for significant cost savings compared to proprietary virtualisation solutions, such as those in VMware, Citrix and Proxmox families. At the same time, it is a fully functional cloud platform which serves as an extension or a reasonable alternative to hyperscalers, effectively addressing cloud cost optimisation and digital sovereignty concerns.

At the same time, OpenStack adoption has always been a challenge. This is certainly the case for those with no previous experience with Linux and cloud computing. But even the most experienced organisations can struggle to implement OpenStack. Thousands of available design options, excessive hardware requirements and complex installation procedures in the upstream have been blocking newcomers from even trying it. Due to its versatility and scale, OpenStack has been pinned by the open source community as a complex project.

Hence we wrote this OpenStack e-book, to demonstrate Canonical’s ultimate approach to making OpenStack easy. In this e-book we talk about:

  1. The typical challenges with OpenStack adoption and how they can be addressed,
  2. How does OpenStack architecture look like and what are the right tools to run it,
  3. An overview of the OpenStack installation process i.e how to get OpenStack up and running on a workstation in no more than 20 minutes.

If you want to try out small-scale OpenStack today: Install OpenStack

You can also join our live workshop to learn how you can build your own cloud in under an hour: Reserve your place for 12th July

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