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Maximising private cloud ROI in Financial Institutions

The Case for Open Source over VMware

The future of Finserv infrastructure is hybrid multi-cloud and a cost effective private cloud is a key foundation for driving digital transformation. Enterprise business agility is a strategic imperative for financial services organisations to better service customers while continuing to meet compliance and regulatory demands.

To drive business agility, financial institutions will need to leverage the right mix of cloud services – a hybrid cloud strategy to maximise application performance while on-boarding innovative new capabilities. A hybrid cloud provides orchestration, management, and application portability between public and private clouds to create a single, flexible, optimal cloud infrastructure for running a financial institution’s computing workloads.

Using cost effective open source private cloud infrastructure and placing workloads on public clouds with considerations for application performance, security and compliance, economics and consumption model shall allow financial institutions to optimise their CapEx and OpEx costs.

Cost effective private cloud

The economics of utilising proprietary software vendors for private cloud management is one of the key factors that triggers financial institutions to explore other options that are more cost effective in the long run. Open source technologies provide an alternative solution like Charmed OpenStack for building and managing cloud infrastructure economically and at scale.

Foundation for digital transformation

In this whitepaper, we:

  • Present a comparison between VMware virtualisation platform and Charmed OpenStack,
  • Discuss the role of a cost effective private cloud in executing FinServs’ hybrid cloud strategy along with key considerations that organisations need to take into account when planning migration to OpenStack.
  • Provide an analysis of a typical financial organisation with a medium to large-sized estate of VMs and physical machines, and highlights how migrating from VMware to OpenStack can result in substantial cost savings with Charmed OpenStack.

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