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Canonical & Ubuntu at Arm DevSummit 2022

Join us virtually on October 26-27, 2022

Join Canonical for the sessions with Ampere Computing on the state of HPC on Arm and running Ubuntu Core on SystemReady.

Canonical’s sessions at Arm DevSummit

HPC on Arm platforms

Canonical together with Ampere is driving developments in HPC and Cloud computing on Arm. This talk will give an insight on the following topics:

  1. The wave of new Ampere/Arm instances that are popping up in the cloud where the bare metal and VM instances are running Ubuntu

  2. Cloud Native Workloads are running on Ampere + Ubuntu! The wide variety of SaaS, PaaS and digital first services are finding a new and different option in Ampere + Ubuntu

  3. Canonical’s journey in enabling its wide product portfolio of data center solutions on Ampere/Arm (from bare-metal provisioning with MAAS to private cloud management with OpenStack and much more)

  4. We would like to take a glance at Scientific Compute and computationally intensive workloads such as Cloud HPC, Genomics & Life Sciences, Weather and other verticals that are getting big lifts off of the scale-out architecture we provide.

Additionally, we will also highlight an internal reference case on how Canonical runs some of their internal infrastructure, called ProdStack, on Arm-based Ampere servers and the experience gained from it.


Jon Thor Kristinsson, Product Manager, Canonical

Sean Varley, Sr Director of Product Marketing, Ampere


Ubuntu Core on SystemReady

Ubuntu Core is a secure, application-centric operating system optimised for embedded devices. Aiming to further the deployment of Arm-based solutions, we worked on Ubuntu Core images running on SystemReady-certified arm64 systems.

We faced several technical challenges in producing working images on SystemReady hardware. In this talk, we will delve into SystemReady and the necessary changes in the boot process of Ubuntu Core to get it running on SystemReady devices.


Edoardo Barbieri, Product Manager, Canonical


About ARM Dev Summit 2022

Engineers, developers, and tech enthusiasts: Arm DevSummit 2022 is back on October 26-27. The conference serves up insights into the latest technology trends, gives you an opportunity to up-level your skills in technical sessions and hands-on workshops, and offers the chance to network with like-minded software developers and hardware designers.