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Published: 30 August 2023

A use-after-free flaw was found in the nftables sub-component due to a race problem between the set GC and transaction in the Linux Kernel. This flaw allows a local attacker to crash the system due to a missing call to `nft_set_elem_mark_busy`, causing double deactivation of the element and possibly leading to a kernel information leak problem.




Package Release Status
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

lunar Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
trusty Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Introduced by


Fixed by 24138933b97b055d486e8064b4a1721702442a9b
Introduced by


Fixed by 24138933b97b055d486e8064b4a1721702442a9b
Introduced by


Fixed by 24138933b97b055d486e8064b4a1721702442a9b
Introduced by


Fixed by 5f68718b34a531a556f2f50300ead2862278da26
Introduced by


Fixed by f6c383b8c31a93752a52697f8430a71dcbc46adf
Introduced by


Fixed by f6c383b8c31a93752a52697f8430a71dcbc46adf
Introduced by


Fixed by f6c383b8c31a93752a52697f8430a71dcbc46adf
Introduced by


Fixed by f6c383b8c31a93752a52697f8430a71dcbc46adf
Introduced by


Fixed by c92db3030492b8ad1d0faace7a93bbcf53850d0c
Introduced by


Fixed by a2dd0233cbc4d8a0abb5f64487487ffc9265beb5
Introduced by


Fixed by 6a33d8b73dfac0a41f3877894b38082bd0c9a5bc
Introduced by


Fixed by 02c6c24402bf1c1e986899c14ba22a10b510916b
Introduced by


Fixed by 02c6c24402bf1c1e986899c14ba22a10b510916b
Introduced by


Fixed by 23185c6aed1ffb8fc44087880ba2767aba493779
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe)
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

trusty Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

lunar Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Ignored
(end of life)
upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

lunar Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
trusty Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.3)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.2)
lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.3)
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

lunar Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

trusty Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-fde-5.15)
jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(end of standard support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.3)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Ignored
(end of standard support)
xenial Ignored
(end of standard support)
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.3)
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

lunar Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Ignored
(end of standard support)
bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(end of life)
jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.0)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.0)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.3)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(end of life)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(end of life)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(end of life)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

lunar Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(end of life)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

lunar Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
xenial Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.3)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Ignored
(end of standard support)
bionic Ignored
(end of life)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.10)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.10)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.14)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.14)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(end of life)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(end of standard support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

lunar Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Ignored
(end of standard support)
bionic Ignored
(end of standard support)
focal Ignored
(replaced by linux-raspi)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Ignored
(end of standard support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-raspi2-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

bionic Ignored
(ESM criteria, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.8)
jammy Ignored
(end of life)
lunar Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(end of life)
lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Ignored
(end of standard support)
bionic Ignored
(end of standard support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

lunar Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(end of life)
lunar Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
trusty Does not exist

xenial Does not exist

bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

lunar Does not exist

upstream Needs triage